Land for Tomorrow

The Land for Tomorrow coalition works to protect our state’s most important economic assets: land and water. BC/DC Ideas helped them launch a bold new logo and website. The logo depicts our state’s beauty of mountains, land and sea. The website serves as a resource reservoir to help legislators, aides and funders see the benefits […]
Lead Free NC Website

Background: Lead exposure is still with us. But we are so very close to eliminating the danger to our families. We worked with NC Child on a brand extension and website to make people aware of the dangers of lead and how to keep themselves safe. Quick timelines and tight budgets are no problem for […]
Immunity Community

Background: Washington State has one of the highest vaccine exemption rates for entry into kindergarten in the USA. This not only leaves kids unprotected, but also puts whole communities at risk of contracting and spreading nasty diseases. Vax Northwest, a public and private partnership, worked with BC/DC Ideas to create a communications campaign to amplify […]