Cats Crash the Puppy Bowl!

We’re going to the Puppy Bowl! Every nonprofit wants to hear those magic words of being part of a national broadcast or news story. When Animal Planet selected SAFE Haven for Cats to be part of the annual Puppy Bowl broadcast, our team went into action, creating a communications campaign to leverage the most from […]
Strategic Vision For Conservation in North Carolina

Background: After some soul-searching, Conservation Trust for North Carolina (CTNC) pivoted to a conservation mission that put community at the center of everything they did. It meant reckoning with long-standing issues of inequality in conservation and creating a space where young people can see themselves. Our Approach: We created a strategic vision that is full […]
Lead Free NC Website

Background: Lead exposure is still with us. But we are so very close to eliminating the danger to our families. We worked with NC Child on a brand extension and website to make people aware of the dangers of lead and how to keep themselves safe. Quick timelines and tight budgets are no problem for […]
ALDEA Website

Background: ALDEA is a powerful change maker in Guatemala, empowering communities and vulnerable people. When they came to us to create a new digital home, we wanted to honor their work, the people, and the land in Guatemala. Inspiration and Guiding Principals: From talking with leadership at ALDEA, we knew we wanted the look to […]
OACareTools – Helping Patients and Providers

Helping Patients Move Forward Without Pain Background: Osteoarthritis (OA) is a major problem for patients and businesses. It is a drag on quality of life for the patients and results in lost work time for the companies. The OA Action Alliance proposed an approach to partner with HR departments to help people suffering from this […]